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The Cia. Mov-i-ments lands at FIET with the show ‘Zoom’
Mov-i-minds company formed by Alejandro Navarro and Rosa Forteza landed at #FIET2019 with the show ‘Zoom’. In ‘Zoom’ we present a trip to the most analytical thoughts about success and failure; An excursion to positive and negative emotions through the movement. An approach to professional success and a reflection on personal success; as individual or…
Cometagiroavió, Joc and Aürt
Another theatrical weekend. FIET continues. Here’s the news: We achieved to program six more theater performances. From Friday to Sunday they have staged Cometagiroavió, Joc and Aürt, the three scheduled shows fot this weekend of this 2020 FIET so different. With little public attendance, that’s true, but brave people who have seen rewarded, with these…
Pels infants més petitons també hi ha propostes a la FIET com l’espectacle ‘Little Night’ de la companyia Imaginart
Pels infants més petitons també hi ha propostes a la #FIET2019 com l’espectacle ‘Little Night’ de la companyia Imaginart que s’estrena a les Balears! ? Diumenge 20 d’octubre ⏰ A les 12.00 h, a les 12.45 h, a les 16.00 h, a les 16.45 h i a les 17.30 ? POLIESPORTIU 3 #Vilafranca ?? Edat recomanada d’1 a 3 anys ?️ Entrades:
Arrives at the FIET, in premiere in the Balearic Islands, the spectacle ‘Italino Grand Hotel’ by the Cia La Tal
?️ Arrives at the #FIET2019 premiere in the Balearic Islands, the show ‘Italino grand hotel’ by Cia La Tal and Jordi Magdaleno. ?️ In the basement of the ‘Italino Grand Hotel’ there is a laundry room. There, a solitary character rents, irons and perfumes the sheets. Live and dream between them and hide solitude by…
La FIET enguany comença a Sant Llorenç! VOLEM TORNAR A SOMRIURE!
La FIET enguany comença a Sant Llorenç! VOLEM TORNAR A SOMRIURE! És per això que aquest diumenge 13 d’octubre a partir de les 10.30 hores es faran diferents activitats de teatre familiar: – Instal·lacions lúdiques de carrer Ludoteca de jardí i Lila Jocs Reciclats – 11.30 h es representarà ‘Hamelí’ de Xip Xap Teatre a l’ Espai 36 – centre…