The first 65 subscriptions of the FIET, in the Fira del meló

The first 65 subscriptions of the FIET, in the Fira del meló

This last Sunday, September 4, the Fira del Meló was held in Vilafranca de Bonany. The grounds of the park, Josep Maria Llompart, were conditioned so that stalls could be installed. In the open air and doing a good access control, finally it was possible to recover, minimally, the celebration, but with all the prevention…

Cometagiroavió, Joc and Aürt

Cometagiroavió, Joc and Aürt

Another theatrical weekend. FIET continues. Here’s the news: We achieved to program six more theater performances. From Friday to Sunday they have staged Cometagiroavió, Joc and Aürt, the three scheduled shows fot this weekend of this 2020 FIET so different. With little public attendance, that’s true, but brave people who have seen rewarded, with these…

Viatge al món de n’Aina estrena l’espectacle ‘Rodamons’ a la FIET 2019

Viatge al món de n’Aina estrena l’espectacle ‘Rodamons’ a la FIET 2019

? La reina dels Embulls arriba aquest diumenge a #Vilafranca a fer-ne de les seves i perquè visquem tots desafinats i embullats, ha amagat Ritme, Harmonia i Melodia pel poble. Els ajudam a trobar-ho? Viatge al món de n’Aina estrena l’espectacle ‘Rodamons’ Aina Zuazaga ? Diumenge 20 d’octubre ⏰ A les 12.45 i a les 17.00 h ? ITINERANT ?? Per a tots els…